When it comes to children’s books, Roald Dahl has written some of the most significant in the genre. His books have influenced a generation, and continue to inspire young people to read. Roald Dahl books are guaranteed to get someone into reading, and many of his books have been turned into popular movies.
This book list is dedicated to Roald Dahl and the best books he has written in his long and successful career.
Roald Dahl | 6 Best Books To Read
1. Charlie and the Chocolate Factory – Roald Dahl
Roald Dalh’s Charlie and the Chocolate Factory stands at the top of the heap when it comes to children’s books. This is a pure classic of imagination, storytelling and magic. Charlie, who lives with his four ancient grandparents and his mother in a one-room house, is the kind of child who can only dream about his future, since his family has barely enough money to survive.
When Willy Wonka, the factory owner, announces that five golden tickets to visit the aged factory have been carefully tucked inside chocolate bars the world over, Charlie’s dreams are suddenly wide open.
2. The BFG – Roald Dahl

Dahl’s superb imagination has created a character, the BFG, who talks so whimsically that you will laugh out loud while reading this book. His child friend, Sophie, has no trouble understanding him, however, although she sometimes has to translate for less flexible or more pompous adults. The BFG’s interactions with his fearsome peers demonstrate a high level of courage, particularly for a comic figure, and his nighttime activities indicate a delicacy of perception that few of us could attain.
3. Matilda – Roald Dahl 
Originally published in 1988, Matilda was one of the last books author Roald Dahl wrote before his death in 1990. Here we have a sweet charming little piece of literature about a girl that is both good and interesting. Creating characters that you identify intrinsically with is not only difficult but (in children’s books) sometimes near impossible. Reading Matilda, it becomes clear that Roald Dahl never lost his touch for creating wonderful original characters and situations.
4. Fantastic Mr. Fox – Roald Dahl
Roald Dahl’s Fantastic Mr. Fox tells the story of how Mr. Fox and his family fend off an assault by farmers Boggis, Bunce and Bean. Losing his tail to the farmers’ bullets, Mr. Fox tries to wait out the farmers’ vigil but Boggis, Bunce and Bean have other plans. They try to dig up the Fox family’s den with steam shovels, forcing Fox and family ever farther underground. Derided by the townspeople for flattening a whole mountain just to catch a fox, the farmers decide to see who can last longer, them or Mr. Fox.
5. James and the Giant Peach – Roald Dahl
After his parents are eaten by a rhinoceros, young James Henry Trotter has to go live with his two mean aunts named Aunt Sponge and Aunt Spiker, who treat him very badly. Poor James has to live with his aunts for three whole years until one day a mysterious man gives him a bag of magic things, resulting in the giant peach and Roald Dhal’s amazing book.
6. The Twits – Roald Dahl
The Twits is the story of a couple of, well, twits! Mr Twit is has a nasty, unhygenic, ugly beard and Mrs Twit could be recognized by her glass eye, who lived in a windowless house. They have four pet monkeys, and a huge dead tree where they catch the birds for their weekly bird pie. to past time, they love to play tricks on each other.
These Roald Dahl stories are fantastic to read aloud to younger children and help develop a love of reading.