Are you thinking about or wanting to embark on a spiritual journey? Then the chances are that you have been looking for the best spiritual books of all time. You’ve stumbled upon the right post exactly for this.
Best Spiritual Books of 2020
- The Celestine Prophecy by James Redfield
- The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle
- Conversations With God by Neal Donald Walsch
- The 7 Spiritual Laws of Success Deepak Chopra
- The Forty Rules of Love by Elif Shafak
- The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho
- The Untethered Soul by Michael A. Singer
- Tao Te Ching by Lao Tsu
- A New Earth by Eckhart Tolle

While the spiritual genre is not always filled with books on religion or Christianity, they do tend to revolve around beliefs and can dip into the self-help or self-improvement genre.
The list below of the best spiritual books of all time contains a mixture of all these types of books that we consider to be spiritual in one way or another.
1. The Celestine Prophecy by James Redfield
This is what we would categorize as a spiritual book that contains a fair amount of fiction. As a result, the content is not very well-written but the ideas that fill the volume may inspire you.
The nuts and bolts of this book rest in how it is meant to encourage you to look at yourself now and imagine how you are in the future.
Along with this exploration, you are provided with insights on how to assume a more positive and active approach within your daily life.
2. The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle
Speaking of the future, the author of this book writes that we are generally preoccupied with the future and burdened by the past which ends up impacting how we live and experience the present.
There is a feeling of enlightenment that is the goal of the book for readers where it assists in teaching how to find mental clarity.
If you have found it difficult to focus on what your life is about in the present, this book should have some answers for you.
3. Conversations With God by Neal Donald Walsch
Subtitled, “An Uncommon Dialogue, Book 1,” this should be in your library even if it is the only spiritual book you intend to have. This is quite simply, without a doubt, a life-changing publication.
The author presents his take on who God is and is written in an easy to follow and understandable format. Topics covered include money, love, and why the world is the way it is.
You will learn how to live a more fulfilling life when you flip through this one.
4. The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success by Deepak Chopra
The author is an expert in taking the Vedic teachings and presenting them in a way that they can be understood by a Western audience.
This particular volume is one of his best works in that it focuses on the importance of getting ahead through success.
Although you may not learn anything new here, the laws outlined are common sense in concept and that makes them easy to comprehend and to implement into your daily life. A must-have book.
5. The Forty Rules of Love by Elif Shafak
Again, if you are interested in a book that is spiritual but contains a fair amount of fiction, this is your pick. Although it could be best described as a work of fiction, there are plenty of worthwhile tips to glean from the pages as the spiritual teachings are many.
It is a great book on love and relies heavily on quotes to carry the story along. Aside from that, this book is a valuable educational reference tool that spells out the rules related to love.
6. The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho
As for books that take on a life of their own by inspiring movements around the planet, this book happens to be one of the current leaders.
It features the relatable story of Santiago’s Journey and the details that revolve around the legend. Along the way, several spiritual lessons are taught and left for the reader to absorb.
Although this book has what is known as a cult following, it is worthy of much more and provides a good read and strong educational value.
7. The Untethered Soul by Michael A. Singer
Considered one of the best books on spirituality, this volume describes how we are presently lost in a dream-like state.
The key element that strings this book together is the way it teaches the reader how to get past that mental state and into the seat of the soul – consciousness.
It is an exercise on an awareness that comes from a completely different path than you would expect and that may be what makes the content in this book make so much sense.
8. Tao Te Ching by Lao Tsu
If you are seeking your spiritual teachings from history, you can’t go much further than this. The author is the founder of Taoism, which dates back to the 4th Century BC.
The book offers insights and lessons on topics that are still applicable in today’s world and that is probably what makes this such an appealing topic
If you seek harmony and freedom from such things as greed, desire, and judgemental thinking, you need to flip through this one.
9. A New Earth by Eckhart Tolle
If your ego has been running and ruining your life, it is time to break free from the hold it has on you and becoming a different person. That is essentially what is between the covers of this book.
It teaches you how to let go of your ego and shares the benefits of doing so.
It didn’t hurt that Oprah had recommended this publication, either, however, the content is important in that if you can break the bonds of ego, you will live a better life as a better person.
Best Spiritual Books Of All Time Wrap Up
It may not be a complete list, but it is a good one to get you started on books related to spirituality. Spiritual doesn’t always mean God and Christianity but it does focus on the connection between your mind, body, and soul.
When each is properly aligned, you can find happiness and so much more within your life. If you need to find the balance between them, the best spiritual books of all time outlined above should help you to navigate those storms that can take you off course and leave you behind.
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