Weight Loss

Best Books For Weight Loss Recipes And Healthy LivingWith the advances in science, the weight loss industry has made great advances. Gone are the days of fads and useless weight loss techniques. The books being published in the weight loss genre are backed up by scientific research and the weight loss recipes are not only healthy, they’re tasty and nutritious as well. For anyone interested in fitness and healthy living, these books are essential.

For anyone who has tried to eat healthy, it can be extremely difficult at first. Its far easier to stick to a healthy diet if the food you’re eating is tasty and filling. The weight loss recipes in these books are just that. Tasty, nutritious, and a great addition to a healthy lifestyle. As part of our Healthy, Fitness and Dieting books, these are the best books for weight loss.

Weight Loss: 6 Best Books For Weight Loss Recipes

1. The Skinnytaste Cookbook: Light on Calories, Big on Flavor – Gina Homolka

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The Skinnytaste Cookbook is a great companion to Gina Homolka’s website. The book begins by telling the authors story and summarizing the main principles of the Skinnytaste mantra. This book is full of great weight loss recipes and advice about selecting healthy food, what to keep in your fridge and freezer and general ideas of healthy eating.

2. 10-Day Green Smoothie Cleanse: Lose Up to 15 Pounds in 10 Days! – JJ Smith

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Smith is a nutritionist and she begins by explaining what her green smoothies are and why the cleanse is worth trying. She details how environmental toxins in the food we eat and the products we use are causing our immune system to shut down as we overload our bodies with destructive substances. Not only will the detox improve your overall health, it will help you lose weight.

3. It Starts With Food: Discover the Whole30 and Change Your Life in Unexpected Ways – Melissa Hartwig, Dallas Hartwig

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The idea behind the book is that the foods we consume cause inflammation in the body. With constant inflammation, you can never truly heal, and the effects just keep compounding in the form of the various medical distresses we all face. In W30, you cut all grains, legumes, and dairy. That means no butter, milk, or cheese. Its only 30 days, and the weight loss recipes they give you have been proven to work wonders.

4. Practical Paleo: A Customized Approach to Health and a Whole-Foods Lifestyle – Diane Sanfilippo, Bill Staley, Robb Wolf

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For anyone new to the Paleo approach to health and eating, Ms. SanFilippo’s Practical Paleo is a good starting place. While the market has seen an explosion of books on the Paleo diet, this book is unique in that is combines the wisdom of the Paleo approach to nutrition with the unique insights that are emerging from the “functional medicine” approach to health.

5. The Skinny Gut Diet: Balance Your Digestive System for Permanent Weight Loss – Brenda Watson C.N.C., Leonard Smith M.D., Jamey Jones B.Sc.

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The first half of the book explains the science behind the dietary restrictions, which don’t allow rice, wheat, most grains, starchy vegetables like potatoes, and sugars. The book recommends taking 4 supplements in total: a probiotic, a fiber supplement, a digestive enzyme supplement, and an Omega-3 supplement. You can choose to buy her brand or use the weight loss recipes and find your own ingredients.

6. The Fast Metabolism Diet: Eat More Food and Lose More Weight – Haylie Pomroy

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This book is about creating a faster metabolism to burn more calories. The author exposes myths and truths about metabolism and how many people have created a slow metabolism. Some are real eye openers like “It’s not about calorie counting” and “deserts do not make you fat”. Filled with some great weight loss recipes and healthy eating tips, this is a great modern approach to weight loss.