WhyToRead continues to review the most influential spiritual books from the Top 100 Most Spiritually Influential Living People of 2016 (Watkins Magazine).
Read these books to uplift your spirit, stretch your spiritual comfort zone or simply be aware of major influences in our world today.

For more spiritual books by Leaders 1-7 click here.

Spiritual Books by Leaders 8-14

8. The Secret/ The Magic / The Power – Rhonda Byrne

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Spiritual booksSpiritual booksSpiritual books
Byrne’s three-book series centers on the Law of Attraction and how our thoughts can be used to bring about what we desire. The Secret introduces the concept of the Law of Attraction, The Magic focuses on gratitude and The Power is about love. All of her books draw examples from major religions, spiritual practices and her own life in support of the points presented these spiritual books. Though nothing new or original, Byrne’s books (and video’s) launched into the world with great success and are good reads to remind us of the power our thoughts can have on our reality – especially when the going gets tough.

9. Psychomagic: The Transformative Power of Shamanic Psychotherapy – Alejandro Jodorowsky

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Jodorowsky is not your average modern day spiritual teacher. He advocates the use of a wide range methods for spiritual exploration and growth; from dreams, tarot and meditation to art, poetry and performance. Above all, he teaches us to acknowledge irrationality – that side of life which the intellect cannot figure out – and learn to communicate with it. This book is an enlightening guide for those who can approach it with an open mind.

10. What I know for Sure – Oprah Winfrey

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Not many people of our time can reach the wide encompassing audience that Oprah Winfrey does.  In What I know for Sure, she shares a life’s worth of experience and wisdom gained in what she herself calls her “private book of revelations”. The book itself is a compilation of essays from the column of the same name in O magazine, from the past 14 years. Packed with nuggets of wisdom on a variety of topics, from weight issues to time management, this book is sure to inspire you to rethink many aspects of life, even if you have never watched an episode of Oprah on TV.

11. Original Blessing: A Primer in Creation Spirituality Presented in Four Paths, Twenty-Six Themes and Two Questions – Matthew Fox

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In one of the most original theological reflections, Fox presents a simple thesis that humans are by nature good, as they are created in the image of god. His argument goes against the Original Sin model, which supposes that humans are inherently flawed and goodness is an exception. This is an excellent book for those looking for an alternative view on Christianity in the west.

12. You Can Heal Your Life – Louise L Hay

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Whether it is health issues, troubled relationships or any rough patches in life, Hay has a message for her readers.  “If we are willing to do the mental work, almost anything can be healed.” As one of the leading authorities in the self-help genre, Hay takes the reader on a transformative journey that starts from within oneself to loving the self. Ultimately, the underlying message is that our thoughts create our reality, and Hay shows us how we can harness our minds to change our lives for the better.

13. Midnights with the Mystic: A little Guide to Freedom and Bliss – Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev (with Cheryl Simone)

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Author Cheryl Simone takes the reader through her life and spiritual exploration that leads her to one of India’s most sought after mystics, Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev. This book is constructed around a series of late night conversations around a camp fire between Simone and the Guru. The result is a thorough exposition of Sadhguru’s teachings that addresses some of life’s most difficult questions. This is a must-read for those who strive to live a spiritual life full of awareness.

14. Fingerprints of the Gods – Graham Hancock

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If you enjoy ancient world history, Hancock will shed light on mysteries of ancient civilizations and cultures remaining unanswered. In Fingerprints of God, he presents compelling evidence that many fiction authors have theorized in their work: that a technologically and culturally advanced civilization existed but was erased from human history. Entertaining, enlightening and thought-provoking, Hancock will have you immerse in ancient history and conspiracy theories in no time.

Check back for more spiritual books by Influential Leaders of our times next week.