We’re in the final quarter of the year – so how are your money goals shaping up? Are you manifesting money easily?

There are so many “Get Rich” books out there that is refreshing to come across someone who cuts the to chase.  Someone who deals with real life problems and helps you overcome them.  Denise Duffield-Thomas, aka “Lucky Bitch”, is one such lady and incredible money mindset mentor.  Her earthy how-to approach has helped thousands move forward in their personal finances and business enterprises.

Lets face it, its no longer ‘cute’ for women (or men!) to claim not to understand money.  Or investing.

Today she shares her favorite list of Money Books and a special very easy and practical FREE Manifesting Money Formula.  Denise will share her process that will take you from “personal development junkie” into a manifesting money MACHINE and money magnet.

6 Favorite Manifesting Money Books

1. Nice Girls Don’t Get Rich – Lois P. Frankel

Manifesting Money books - Nice Girls Dont get Rich
If you working in the corporate world, this book and its sister “Nice Girls Done Get the Corner Office” are must reads. Realize the mistakes you are making daily. The sabotages common to many women. Very practical.

2. The Law of Divine Compensation – Marianne Williamson

Manifesting Money books - The Law of Divine Compensation
Marianne Williamson is an amazing spiritual leader and best selling author. This book will show you that money is a spiritual journey too. A short read, so no excuses.

3. The Four Spiritual Laws of Prosperity – Edwene Gaines

Manifesting Money books - The Four Spiritual Laws of Prosperity
Denise rates this as one of the most powerful books she’s read about money. Simple, beautiful teachings to invite money into your life.

4. Women and Money: Owning the Power to Control Your Destiny – Suze Orman.

Manifesting Money books - Women & Money
TV success story and all round wealthy women. Suze has written many books on all aspects of money. From getting out of debt, investing and more. Read them.

5. How to be Wildly Wealthy fast – Sandy Forster

Manifesting Money books - How to be Wildly Wealthy Fast
A fellow Aussie, Sandy is a multimillionaire, international speaker and multi-award winning entrepreneur.  So much to learn here, and Sandy has been an amazing role model to Denise (and other women no doubt).

6. Get Rich, Lucky Bitch! – Denise Duffield-Thomas

Manifesting Money books - Get Rich, Lucky Bitch
Yes, she includes her own book on her list.  Of course!  We at WTR loved it. Powerful, on law of attraction, manifesting money and getting out of your own way. Believable and practical beyond any other book on this list.

We hope you enjoy reading these manifesting money books, so you can buy lots more books.