Wake Up!
In today’s world, you can be consumed by the monotonous and doing the same things as everyone else, without ever stopping to think about what you want to do. Its time to wake up and live YOUR life, and the books below will help you do just that.
So, without further ado, WAKE UP!
3 Books To Help You Wake Up And Live Your Life
1. Buddha: A Story of Enlightenment – Deepak Chopra
At the beginning of the book, the author tells us that he has added fictional sections to the story of the Buddha, to fill in blanks of what we know. But don’t let that put you off. Its been done well and the story of the Buddha (literally meaning the awoken one or the enlightened one) is one may can relate to.
2. Waking Up: A Guide to Spirituality Without Religion – Sam Harris
This book is a guide to meditation with the backing of neuroscience and psychology. Sam Harris is a neuro-scientist and with the knowledge he gained, he explores the scientific underpinnings of spirituality and waking up to who you are.
3. Wake Up! Your Life is Calling: Why Settle for Fine When So Much More is Possible? –
More about the monotonous coasting through life which most people consume their lives with, Mike Jaffe explores what it is to produce the extraordinary life of your dreams by over coming your fears and waking up!
I love this post!! Books to help you “Wake Up” is a great concept! I am always looking for inspirational reads and many of these have piqued my interest. I wanted to recommend a book I read recently entitled, “The Bible of Mithra: A Book of Clarity” by author Andre Atabaka. There are so many books about finding your spirituality or your religion out there that make everything seem so complicated and unattainable. Not only that but many texts about religion make you feel guilty and shameful about how you have been or are living your life. This book was great in the fact that their is no religious “recruitment” going on. The author is an equal opportunity practitioner in trying to get you to be the best, most connected spiritual person that you can be. We all tend to put up so many obstacles for ourselves and our lives and this book helps you face them and overcome them. I have always been a spiritual person, and I am very open minded when it comes to expanding my mind and consciousness. This book will leave you with thoughts and strategies that you will carry with you for a lifetime. I highly recommend! It is definitely a “WAKE UP!” kind of book