These top self help books listed here cover a spectrum of topics that are all aimed at helping you to become a better you.
Yes, self-help books do have a reputation. The good news is that if you are reading them for the right reasons, you may find some wisdom and inspiration between the pages of these books. Just don’t expect miracles and you should be fine. Here is a look at our top self help books list to improve your state of mind.
1. The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens by Sean Covey
If you sense some familiarity with the title of this book and the name of the author, there is a good reason for that. Sean’s father happens to be Stephen Covey who has many titles to his name including “The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People.”
The younger Covey took his father’s concept and adapted it to a younger demographic. What that means is this one is not only age-appropriate, it is also fun to read. The book is much more than just pages upon pages of endless text as it is broken up with quotes, cartoons, and contributions from real teens that provide a great deal of insight and inspiration.
Topics focused on include peer pressure, bullying, internet safety, body image, friendships and more. This is a must-have for the young person in your life.
2. You Are A Badass by Jen Sincero
How can you not include a self-help book on this list with a title like that? You don’t even have to open it to know that there is something dynamic inside. The book is meant to assist you in shaking off the fear that inflicts most of us in at least one aspect of our lives.
The main goal of this book is to get across to the reader that there is a power hidden inside of you that will kick fear to the curb. You just have to figure out how to unleash it.
Sincero gives you the tools by including engaging exercises to follow at the end of each chapter. Even if you don’t become a badass after reading this book, your exercise results will give you something to reflect on as you track your progress dealing with all the other wanna-be badasses out there.
3. Declutter Your Mind by Barrie Davenport and S. J. Scott
The title of this book has been abbreviated here as the subtitle goes on to state, “How To Stop Worrying, Relieve Anxiety and Eliminate Negative Thinking.” It contains several different exercises that will engage your mindset making this a rather hands-on volume. Along with educating you on what causes the mind to load up on excess “clutter” and create negative thoughts, you will learn how to change those circumstances into positive with strategies and plans.
Meditation is mentioned as a good tool to use as well as organizational tools such as goal setting and priority setting. Need to take back control of your life? This book is going to give you a good way to make that happen to improve what you are doing and what you will become.
4. Big Magic by Elizabeth Gilbert
For the creative person who has bumped up against writer’s block or just can seem to get that artistic thing in your mind out and into the open, this is your book. Gilbert has several titles published and although she hasn’t been known to score with each one, this is most definitely a volume that hits the target.
It covers creating habits – good ones and getting rid of the bad ones. As well as overcoming fear along with the importance of joining a tribe that contains others who are like-minded. The benefits of such relationships can lead to unlocking those creative juices and getting them to flow again.
Written in an honest and conversational tone, you will glean something from this book that features real-life examples from regular people across the nation.
5. What Are You Hungry For? by Deepak Chopra
Another big name in the self-help world, Chopra has a massive following. He is also considered to be a self-help guru who has many books on the market and all are excellent examples of what can result if you put your mind into the right mindset and move forward.
This title is mostly meant as a guide for weight loss but it is a whole lot more than that. Sure, Chopra does go over weight loss techniques and exercises with a great deal of detail but it focuses a bit more on the bigger picture. In this case, it happens to be why we desire to transform how we look.
Change is difficult for most and the intention-setting tips contained on these pages will help you to figure out what your motives are for the goals you are setting. Another must-have book.
6. Surviving Midlife Career Changes by W. George Elliott
The subtitle to this eBook is “The 50+ Solution to the Third Quarter Transition” and is aimed at anyone who is aged 35+ who has either contemplated a career change who was forced into one as a result of downsizing. In it, the author tells his real-life story of how his wife and he moved into self-employment after having to close their business.
He covers everything from how to identify your transferrable skills, shares stats to back up the argument that mature workers are highly valued in the workplace and how to conduct yourself at your next job interview.
The advice and tips shared throughout are intended to boost your confidence and push you (gently) to that next best career move in your life. It’s not expensive and will give you a wealth of info.
Top Self Help Books Final Word
Yes, there are ways to seek and find help between the covers of a book. Self-help books are big business in the publishing industry because many of them provide the right answers and exercises to help you feel better about yourself. If something is holding you back in your life and you just want some change, these top self-help books are a good solution. The list here is far from complete but includes a few of the ones we would highly recommend you check out.
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