Funny books for adults usually touch on serious subjects too. These funny life anecdotes, almost biographies, are written by very funny TV and internet personalities. They will make you laugh out loud, even in the serious bits.
Science tells us laughter is good for lowering blood pressure, and increasing happy hormones, so go ahead and laugh. Sharing these funny books for adults will also increase happiness.
1. Why Not Me? – Mindy Kaling
Even if you are not familiar with Kaling’s work in comedy and TV, her books are still delightful to read. Why Not Me? is a rather personal book of essays where readers can get to know Kaling more – her life, struggles and success. Filled with wit, insight and self-depreciating humor, her essays address topics that almost anyone can relate to and laugh along.
2. You’re Never Weird on the Internet (Almost) – Felicia Day
If you are in your late 20s to early 30s, you belong to the last generation who knows what life was like before the internet, and thus will find Day’s book more relatable. Day recounts the early, pre-social media era of connecting with people online, the ups and downs of online fame, and how it influenced her life and career. To keep it real, she also highlights the drawbacks and potential dangers of being actively involved in online communities. A very funny book.
3. Furiously Happy: A Funny Book About Horrible Things – Jenny Lawson
For those who loved Lawson’s first book, Let’s Pretend This Never Happened, may be hoping for a sequel from the blogger. Unlike her collection of anecdotes, however, Furiously Happy is a very personal book, in which she openly shares her struggles, especially with mental illness. As relatable and heartfelt as this book is, it is far from gloomy. Readers will still get plenty of laughs out of it, yet putting the book down with a greater understanding and tolerance for those living with mental conditions.
4. Binge – Tyler Oakley
Oakley is one of those YouTubers who have gained enough online fame to court a book deal. But if you expect his book to be a printed rehash of his videos, you will be surprised! Binge is filled with deeply personal anecdotes – stuff he would not have shared on YouTube – and life lessons, which will likely resonate with the younger crowd. Whether you belong to Oakley’s target audience on YouTube or not, this book is a worthwhile read. Even if only for insights on how one person can harness the power of social media to reach and inspire millions.
5. Yes, My Accent is Real – Kunal Nayyar
Most people became familiar with Nayyar as Raj in The Big Bang Theory TV series. However his book is not really a biography – despite what the title might have you think. There is very little mention of the TV show. It is a collection of short self-reflective essays. Nothing too profound or deep (no Big Bang Theory), it is a great book for light reading and a laugh for fans of Nayyar.