Best Books To Help You Stop Smoking Forever

Looking for the Best Books to Stop Smoking forever and never crave a cigarette again? Here’s our short list with reviews below to help you achieve a healthy life changing goal.

Best Books To Quit Smoking

  1. The Easy Way To Stop Smoking by Allen Carr
  2. Stepbac From Smoking by P F Williams
  3. Quit Smoking Today Without Gaining Weight by Paul McKenna
  4. You Can Stop Smoking by Jacquelyn Rogers
Best Books To Help You Stop Smoking Forever

If you’re a smoker, you know already that it’s a terrible habit and it is damaging to your health and that of those around you. If you are reading this article, you are already considering the ways that you can stop smoking.

With the development of eCigarettes and other tools, your smoking habit is becoming easier to stop. And with the help of the best books to stop smoking below, you’ll find it even easier to get into the right mindset to make it happen forever.

1. The Easy Way To Stop Smoking by Allen Carr

About the first three quarters of the book is spent dispelling various myths and delusions about smoking. Such as smoking relaxing you or getting rid of stress, which gets you into the right frame of mind for actually quitting.

At this point, the book wants you to continue smoking while you read it. In a nutshell, the easy way to stop smoking involves two things. One, deciding you are never going to smoke again. And Two, don’t mope about it anymore, rejoice instead.

2. Stepbac From Smoking by P F Williams

Stepbac From Smoking is a rising star among modern stop smoking books. It’s by two brothers and ex-smokers who used a ton of recent research and common sense to write a book in plain language with many illustrations making it super easy to understand.

It explains clearly how nicotine tricks smokers into addiction and how habits and cravings fuel the addiction. It ends with a remarkably simple action to take a Stepbac to break the addiction and stop smoking immediately (cold turkey).

This book’s a winner with a proven formula and should help many to stop smoking forever with ease.

3. Quit Smoking Today Without Gaining Weight by Paul McKenna

Paul McKenna continues his “I can make you…” series with this stop smoking guide. As proven by many readers of the book, the methods have shown many people stop and continue to stop smoking for the rest of their lives.

4. You Can Stop Smoking by Jacquelyn Rogers

This book is jam packed with information that all smokers need to know.

The book is focused on changing your scheme on smoking, something which we smokers don’t realize how disturbed it is and will become in the future.

You won’t imagine how different your life is without the cigarrettes until you’ve finally achieved it.

Best Books To Quit Smoking Wrap Up

That concludes our short list of the best books to stop smoking forever. All it takes is one inspirational book to put us on the right path and correct mindset, and we can achieve anything. Goodluck!

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